
`Essential drugs’ are:

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Antidote for the toxin Lead?

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Primary site of action of Warfarin?

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Lansoprazole is not used in which of the following cases?

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Alkalinization of urine hastens the excretion of:

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Majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily by:

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High plasma protein binding:

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Microsomal enzyme induction can be a cause of:

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Glomerular filtration of a drug is affected by its:

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Drugs acting through receptors exhibit the following features except:

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The therapeutic index of a drug is a measure of its:

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The antidotal action of sodium nitrite in cyanide poisoning is based on:

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The pharmacokinetics of drugs in the neonate differs from that in adults, because their:

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Use of an emetic to remove the ingested poison is contraindicated in following poisonings except that by:

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The most appropriate route of administration for adrenaline in a case of anaphylactic shock is:

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following is a proven human teratogen:

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Adverse consequences may follow sudden discontinuation of the following drug after chronic intake:

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If the effect of combination of two drugs is equal to the sum of their individual effects, the two drugs are exhibiting:

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Which of the following is always true:

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Marked redistribution is a feature of:

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